
The Loss and Grief Practitioners’ Association launched in June 2015 as a peak body for specialist loss, grief and bereavement practitioners including volunteers and students.

Vision Statement
The Loss and Grief Practitioners’ Association supports loss, grief and bereavement practitioners, including volunteers and students, to offer timely and effective support to the community.

Mission Statement
The Loss and Grief Practitioners’ Association is a peak body for loss, grief and bereavement practitioners, volunteers and students working with loss and grief, which helps ensure that a high standard of support is available to individuals and the community experiencing loss and grief.

Our aims
Through the Association we hope to:

  1. increase awareness of the field of loss and grief as an area of specialist knowledge and expertise.
  2. promote best practice amongst practitioners by enhancing knowledge and expertise in relation to support and counselling.
  3. provide support and encouragement to practitioners and strengthen their capacity to do this work effectively.

The LGPA operates under the auspices of Jesuit Social Services. Jesuit Social Services provide administration support and financial management.

The activities of the LGPA are directed by a committee. You can see the current committee members HERE

The most recent minutes of the committee's meetings are also available -  2024 Committee Minutes.

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